2 Extremes

2020 hit us in the face and who would’ve known? Has it taught us to slow down? Prioritize differently? Or punish us? I believe we lived in a chaotic world and our lives became quite robotic; work, home – home, work. Here is a question, do you live to work or work to live? The new Netflix series Emily in Paris stated this, a cultural difference between French (or Europeans in general) and Americans. The series was indeed filmed in 2019 when life was considered ‘normal’. What can we define as normal nowadays though? Also, was the life we use to live ‘normal’ anyway?

Once Covid-19 became a Pandemic in March 2020, no one knew the economic repercussions. Again, who could’ve predicted it? Bill Gates? Back in 2015 he claimed our next enemy would not be nuclear but a disease. Was he right all along? Employers in March 2020 needed to probably make the biggest decision yet, furlough. The scheme was introduced by the UK Government and started at the end of March 2020. Those on furlough and colleagues remaining in office, didn’t know how long this would’ve lasted. Initially it was 3 months, and every month Covid-19 was worsening.

Working non-stop from March 2020 and being furloughed have both drastic affects on colleagues. The workload could’ve been perceived as too overwhelming and confusing since everyone started working from home due to lockdown. Colleagues on furlough however, had a high level of anxiety because they could be made redundant at any point. Redundancy is usually a last resort and worst case scenario but unfortunately employers do need to take action especially if they do not generate enough revenue and have more expenses.

In fact, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), redundancies rose a record of 314,000 in the same period; 4.8% in the three months to September, up from 4.5% as Covid-19 continued to hit the jobs market.

For the full article, click here

How did you feel during the year? I’ll be transparent. I’m an employee who has been on furlough since 30th March and just recently started working again, full-time. So what did I do in the meantime?

Certainly not checking the news 24/7 because it is damaging to your mental health especially during the first lockdown (March-May). The media only portrays reality which unfortunately is all negative; can’t expect anything else during a pandemic. So just stay informed about your country (and the world) once a day. Mental Health has been a crucial part of our livelihoods in 2020. I will honestly say I didn’t realize how affected I was by Covid-19 until recently. I tried so hard to distract myself that maybe I bottled so much unconsciously that I cried suddenly. I was living alone the entire time and although I had full support from family, friends and colleagues, I would never want to relive, reflect or recommend it to anyone. I can only speak by personal experience and it wasn’t pleasant. But we all went through it, and still are; maybe differently but it’s the same for everyone. In fact, I recently did a Covid-19 test and needed to wait 48hours for the result. They were the longest hours I’ve ever experienced. Although I was convinced to be healthy, there’s always a sense of doubt at the back of your mind. In the end, the result was…NEGATIVE!

I also believe that people react to things much differently than before and are entitled to. It is normal to be scared and feel on edge but there needs to be compassion on both sides. Nowadays, you need to understand each other otherwise anything can be lost in translation. Be careful how you word things as words might not seem hurtful but they are. If you have something to say, be open to share but be careful how. It’s the how and tone. I can’t speak for everyone but for me, I became more sensitive but also selective on who is understanding, compassionate and empathetic.

I applaud everyone who’s been working and furloughed since March. We need to keep going and stay strong. We have never let anything or anyone defeat us before so we certainly cannot give up now!


Dear 2020,

I write this letter to you not in vain or with malice but as a thank you.

The year didn’t start the way we wanted it to. I bet you celebrated NYE as any normal NYE; hoping for a better year and leaving behind an old year.

Kobe and Gigi Bryant (NBE), George Floyd, Ian Holmes, Chadwick Boseman, Kelly Preston, Australian fires (state of emergency), Ukraine flight crash, UK withdrawal from EU, WHO declaring a Pandemic.

I understand a pandemic happens roughly every 100 years; the world witnessed one in 1720 (Plague), 1820 (Cholera), 1920 (Spanish Flu) and 2020 (Covid-19). Is it a coincidence? I’m unsure whether to believe in coincidences. I’ve doubted whether they truly exist or not but I do believe everything in life happens for a reason; whether we like it or not. Humans are emotional beings and hate what they cannot control and easily want to blame and point fingers. 

I lived in Asia for a decade and understand their mentality, especially China which is a dictatorship disguising itself as communism; unfortunately, not the communism we know by Karl Marx but they’re own interpretation of the system. Each country is entitled to rule the way they want and how they see fit. Is it right or wrong? How can we define what is right or wrong nowadays? True, Covid-19 came and derived from China and President Donald Trump continues to call it a Chinese Virus and suggests they should be held responsible. But can we really point fingers? In Europe, the media’s narrative was initially blaming Italy for bringing the virus into Europe. As an Italian citizen, it was painful to read these articles.

I never would’ve foreseen such a tragedy; losing 900-1000 people daily in the beginning of 2020 (March-April) and the panic in people’s eyes. In the UK, toiletries were lacking such as toilet roll. Masks were in such high demand worldwide. It somehow also became a business. What will we learn from this? Or will we learn anything at all? Should China apologise? Was the virus intentional to make the world kneel to China while it becomes an industrial and financial super power, overtaking the USA? Or could we possibly suggest that we are all at fault? Continents cannot even unify or agree on what to do and how to approach Covid-19; in the EU, each country pursued the idea ofevery man for himself. But, it is true that the virus affected each country differently; some more than others.

The UK in the beginning had the advantage of seeing the conditions in Italy and then Spain and could’ve made quicker decisions but unfortunately, the Prime Minister’s message was more prepare to lose your loved ones rather than being constructive and protecting the country. Eventually, and coincidentally, after being put in intensive care due to having the virus, he decided a national lockdown; although not as severe as Italy and Spain.

Let me tell you. In Italy, you were not allowed to leave the house unless you went to a supermarket or pharmacy. Families, married couples (or couples in general) could not leave the house together, it had to be one at a time. All sport activities outdoors (i.e. running or jogging) were banned. The police would patrol 24/7 and fine people up to 1000Euros. In fact, someone was jogging on a beach and caught by a police drone. The police ran after him and gave a fine of 500Euros. The police would spray disinfectant all around cities and use megaphones to make people stay inside. People use to clap once a week to show their praise, gratitude and love towards the Health sector and everyone working in the forefront but this was stopped because families of victims believed it to be insensitive. This also occurred in the UK every Thursday for the NHS.

I can only speak of London because I live here, and I can truly say it is unrecognisable. I’ve lived in this city for 7 years and it’s surreal. I started going on long walks in May (once lockdown was eased) and I found myself in a 28 Days Later setting; almost like an apocalypse. I did not feel comfortable walking in Central completely alone even in pure daylight so I walked to parks instead; slightly more lively, with flowers blossoming and summer finally arriving. But even now, in October, London is not what it was before. Can it ever go back to the old days? It lives thanks to tourists, commuters and locals but it lacks 2 out of those 3 things. I spoke to a taxi driver recently who told me there are only 40% of workers in the City of London. Taxi drivers had high hopes, especially for September since schools reopened but it was not the case.

Asia experienced epidemics/pandemics before: SARS, bird flu and swine flu. Europe the Spanish flu in 1918-1920, considered the deadliest pandemic. But as the Great Depression, Covid-19 caused an economic crisis: business failings, unemployment, financial uncertainty and furlough schemes. 

There are two extremes: employees working non-stop (and overtime) since lockdown and furloughed employees. Both situations are distressing in their own ways and cause psychological and emotional anxiety. Employees who are working are trying to keep up and doing a 10-people’s job. In contrast, employees who are on furlough live with more uncertainty because they could be made redundant at any given moment; which is the last option for businesses. However, if businesses do not generate enough revenue and their expenditure is more than what they are receiving, they have no choice but to start redundancy processes; depending on each sector. The hospitality sector has been hard hit due to the pandemic.

I was alone during lockdown (3months), with family in another country. Yes, I chose to live and work in London, leaving family in Italy. Luckily, I have been living alone since I was 18 years old when I started university but that does not mean I was ready for Covid-19. Not being able to personally see anyone for 3 months takes its toll and it was disheartening. I tried not to watch the news too much but you cannot escape from Covid-19. I just had to keep going and maintain a positive and optimistic mentality to keep me sane and tranquil; especially for my family. I followed the Italian way: mask indoors and outdoors, stay outdoors as least as possible, no mixing with other households, equipping myself with as much food and items as possible. The only time I would check any news was when I called my family to listen to the daily Press Conference in Italy and BBC evening news. It breaks my heart to know there are now over 1million victims worldwide. 

One of the most heart-breaking scenes I witnessed (on television) was:


As I’m writing this, I’m crying. This should not have been filmed or published but I suppose Italians needed to see the seriousness of the pandemic. I wish to have not seen the following as well:

https://www.vaticannews.va/it/papa/news/2020-03/preghiera-papa-francesco-coronavirus-adorazione-indulgenza.html– 2nd video

We see Pope Francis walking in St Peter’s Square and giving a prayer to the statue of Jesus. I truly believe he was as shocked as we were and asking God, why?

Andrea Bocelli also gave a beautiful performance at Il Duomo in Milan (City Centre) and came outside to sing Amazing Grace. 

2020 will pass on in our history and quite frankly, I wish I did not have to tell my future children and grandchildren what happened but it is like being in a war. You’ll have to tell future generations about 2020 because they need to know.

Rules and restrictions are now changing constantly. We are no longer in a national lockdown but facing, or already experiencing, a second wave of Covid-19. Experts say we didn’t suffer during the summer season because the virus dies with the heat but strengthens in the winter. In Italy, masks are mandatory indoors and outdoors and bars/restaurants are obligated to close at 12am. Not that Covid-19 works on a time schedule. Similarly, the UK introduced a 3tier policy (Medium, High and Very High) since every area is being affected differently. In addition, there are not enough Flu Vaccinations because orders are usually confirmed 6months prior and who knew about Covid-19?

Countries cannot afford another national lockdown. If they choose to do so, it would be an economic catastrophe which will take years to recuperate.

2020 you are now coming to an end and people are wishing for a better life in 2021. I hope for this to be true but I somehow have a feeling that much is not going to change next year. Viruses usually last between 1-2 years. I’m praying our beloved scientists will find a vaccine/cure as soon as possible. They must be in so much pressure at the moment as well as studying cures for other fatal illnesses. 

We are going to change, for the better.

Best regards,



In October (2016) I had the opportunity to attend TED Talk with Simon Bilek (author), in London. He recently reflected on the Millennial generation (video with Tom Bilyeu). The Millennial generation is a group of people born from 1984 and after. There has been a recent study that this group has low self esteem compared to previous generations because of four things: ‘parenting, technology, impatience, environment’. This generation, grew up subject to ‘failed parenting strategies’ because they were told they are special and can have anything, not necessarily what they earned.This devalues the ones who worked hard and eventually feel embarrassed. However, once this group thrusts into the working place, their entire ego is shattered. Facebook and Instagram are good at putting filters to orchestrate a brilliant life but the reality is the opposite.

Technology, engagement with social media and phones, produces pleasure especially when we receive messages or phone calls and the ‘likes’ on social media platforms. The generation have become narcissistic to the point in which we feel disappointed, depressed and unpopular if the phone does not ring. This is the same feeling with alcoholism and drugs. Why aren’t there restrictions/laws against social media and/or mobile phones? In the beginning of adolescent years, we need approval from parents but transitions into relying on peers or a bottle,drugs etc. As a result, they cannot form relationships. Their friendships are superficial because they never practiced the skills sets. In fact, our phone is the first and last item we touch and look at. We no longer feel the need to have a conversation with others: ‘Thanks to Steve Jobs, we don’t have to’ (Sheldon from Big Bang Theory). Furthermore, once we put our phone(s) on a desk or table, you are insinuating (subconsciously) that those around you are not important; whether the screen is up or down. If you are messaging someone who is not present (at the table), it is a problem; a serious addiction. A (business) meeting is important, to listen to colleagues and We no longer socialize or create ideas/interests. Instead of charging your phone next to your bed, leave it in the living room. However, if someone cannot sleep, he/she turns to the phone for comfort and distraction. Family time also does not occur often, for example a friend recently said she is spending ‘family time’ every Sunday and ‘actually chatting’. This proves that we are antisocial and eventually, this addiction will destroy relationships and be time consuming. Simon then explains about being born with instant gratification such as Amazon, Netflix, binge, not waiting for episodes. Nowadays, people do not have to practice skills during a date; they can just ‘swipe right’ and not ‘learn the social mechanisms’ except jobs and relationships.

Everyone has an idea of ‘impact’ but there is a climb to do. The generation has to learn patience and focus on the most important aspects of life: love, self-confidence but it takes time. They need to ask for help during this hardship, otherwise suicide rates will continue to rise and more people will become depressed. The way to act is positively in each environment. This generation has to care about life in the long term rather than focusing on time. They have to overcome a digital world and discover a new world without instant gratification. The cooperative environments, with lack of leadership, create insecurities for this generation. To some extent, it is the cooperation’s fault because without ‘proper’ leadership, the generation feels unfulfilled. Nowadays, they want a place of purpose, an impact but the cooperation needs to help along the way and work extra hard.

Relationships are formed in a social environment, without mobile phones and will eventually form trust. The innovation and creativity also comes from not using technology. There needs to be a balance between people and technology; used only when necessary.

It is easy to orchestrate a world where everything seems perfect because it is ‘fitting’. Digital users have to portray themselves as the ‘ideal human’ and never evoke reality. It is correct not to publish personal details but lying is also not ideal. Why do users care if you have ‘unfriended’ someone on a social media platform? Everyone is entitled to ‘unfriend’ and does not need to justify the decision. If I ‘unfriended’ someone on social media, why does it insinuate we are no longer friends in real life? In addition, have you heard the question: ‘When will you be Facebook official?’. This is about your ‘relationship’ situation. I always respond: ‘I do not need to put my relationship status on FB’. Social Media and technology are becoming more and more invasive mentally and sub-consciously. In certain circumstances, I think about what photos I will take during the weekend and which one I will choose to post on social media. Afterwards, I self-evaluate and recognize the absurdity. But can it be controlled? Or do we need constant therapy visitation?

United Nations Association – Nov. 2016

Two World Struggles Coming To The Screen

We would like to welcome you to the launch of the 11th We The Peoples Film Festival. The films will tackle subjects linked to the United Nations’ Three Pillars of Freedom; freedom from want, freedom from fear and the freedom to live in dignity. We The Peoples Film Festival’s films show critical issues of development, security and human rights.

The first film, When Elephants Fight is narrated by Golden Globe winner Robin Wright and takes viewers on a journey to see the fight for minerals in the Congo which caused poverty, war and corruption. The film is about the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), formerly a Belgian colony. The public, seen throughout the film, are genuinely trying to move on from these tumultuous events and hoping to make a positive leap in life.

Short film Besieged Bread follows portraying a woman who smuggles bread and a man who is trying to escape the Syrian crisis. The film is in Arabic with English subtitles and there is a sense of strong survival instinct and desperation to overcome challenging measures. The main cast is Gabriel Malki, Lama Hakeim, Ehab Shaaban with an artistic crew of Soudade Kaadan (director) and Kinan Azmeh (music).

The screenings are followed by a Q&A with Lisette Mibo (Congo Activist) and CNN International Correspondent Erin McLaughlin. Ms. McLaughlin discusses the refugee and Syrian crisis with Lauren Pyott who represents Soudade Kaadan (a Syrian film researcher).

The festival continues until November 22nd at various locations in Central and East London. The United Nations Association is proud to present documentaries about tumultuous events internationally and looks forward to releasing new ones next year.

Lavinia De Luca
We The Peoples Film Festival

For the Film Festival Programme:


For Publicity or True Love?

So I was sitting at home on a weekday when I read a shocking feature story about Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston. Initially I saw the couple as a normal one but then I remembered that Taylor was dumped after a 15month relationship by Scottish DJ Calvin Harris; two weeks prior to being caught on Rhode Island with Hiddleston. ”She moves fast” was my initial comment. I do not understand how a woman can switch so speedily between relationships especially after claiming that she is emotionally invested in all relationships. She is probably a hopeless romantic and falls ”in love” easily but maybe it is time to take herself seriously. Taylor is an idol to millions of girls worldwide (allegedly aged between 12 and 19) and she, on several occasions, behaves childishly. In fact, her so-called ‘squad’ are, the majority, 21 years old. How is she an idol to her fans? Now her last name makes sense: she Swifts easily. Taylor does not care about her outlooks and I understand her ignoring the media, paparazzi and other unimportant groups but I cannot comprehend this volatile stunt. Taylor publicised her relationship with Harris enormously, also attending events together with a lot of PDA. She added pictures on her social media platforms. For example, a necklace to mark her 1year anniversary with Harris.

If this new relationship with Hiddleston is solely for publicity, the media needs to ‘get a life’. Calvin Harris had the perfect reaction, on Twitter, after learning his ex has a new boyfriend. If I were Taylor (which luckily I am not) I would also have a self-evaluation since she is, supposedly, being dumped every time. There have been claims that she cheated on Calvin Harris prior to the break up and it would not be shocking. She is a hidden mean girl and influences her friends as well. For example, Selena Gomez was caught being very cozy with Orlando Bloom who is in a stable (as of yet) relationship with Katy Perry. The world knows Katy Perry and Taylor Swift are rivals but to do this much damage is immature. Swift loves British men, who are materialistic and easy to attract. She is one of the most powerful pop artists nowadays but I would be careful. Taylor seems joyous and sweet in interviews but it is easy to put a mask on, especially in that industry. They play characters and we will never know who they truly are. I am convinced not even their friends know.

I watched a Graham Norton video with Tom Hiddleston which aired in mid-May and I had an inclining he was already planning to enter Taylor’s life. They were contacting each other at the Met Gala and danced together. Hiddleston is very reserved and restrained compared to other men in the movie industry and I respect it. He is enchanting and a gentleman but out of all girls in or out of Hollywood, he had to pick Swift? In addition, he knew she was in a 15month relationship, posting pictures of her most recent vacay with Harris, how could Hiddleston ignore it and play it fair? There is competition between men, there has been for decades but it can be dangerous in the public eye. The level of scrutiny on this relationship is uncanny. I am intrigued to see who is next on her list. In fact, I guarantee she will not be Ellen’s guest for the next couple of months because Ellen would ridicule her; as Ellen has done in the past by showing a poster with all of Taylor’s exes. Did she have an intimate relationship with all of them? Well, I would like to think ‘no’ but most probably ‘yes’.


Apologies to my fellow viewers, it has been a while since I last posted. However this news could not be ignored as I live in Britain. Everyone woke up in shock on Friday June 24th, the UK being divided by generations and cities. London voted 60% to remain as well as Scotland which is now planning another referendum to re-enter the EU and detach itself from Britain. Ireland is now reuniting after 100 years of war, also to be back in the EU. If these plans go forward, what is left in the UK? A petition managed to receive 3million signatures, predominately from the young generation, asking for a second referendum. There will be a protest in Trafalgar Square on Tuesday June 28th against the BREXIT vote. David Cameron resigned on television, declaring how he is proud of this country and is going to remain PM until October where a general election will take place. However, famous Nigel Farage already denied allegations of putting £350million for the NHS and other future plans. He admitted it was a ‘mistake’ to declare such a plan and as a result, people who voted to ‘leave’ regret their decision. In fact, several people did not know whether to vote BREXIT or BREMAIN; they only made assertions. If this is true, people had 3 years to analyze and think about the repercussions and consequences.

Unfortunately, they followed campaigns and ideas which were irrelevant. For example, immigration. The UK has never been part of the Schengen and therefore, is not obligated to accept immigrants. However, people need to understand the definition of immigrant. I am an Italian citizen and could be considered an immigrant but I work and pay taxes in the UK. I help the British economy whilst illegal immigrants do not have any authority. I fear people did not understand this distinction. In fact, there have been racist comments and incidents since the referendum result was announced last week.

What happens next? Do not ask, as a European, I feel different now although London still remains multicultural. Mogan Stanley is now leaving Britain, JP Morgan employees will either be moved to other offices in Europe or fired. However, politicians do not have any answers, currently. There are an infinite amount of uncertainties and the Pound already suffered a collapse of approximately 4%. However, other markets collapsed by 10% / 12% which reinstates that the Pound is still quite strong.

The UK will still be part of the EU until 2018. Article 50 of the EU contract says a country takes two years before exiting the EU. Although the UK has always fulfilled its duties, won all wars, colonized various countries and is the 5th largest economy in the world, is it ready to be independent? The UK and other EU nations were all part of one market, now the circumstances are different for the UK. The country will be financially independent as well as trade, import, exports and students. The university tuition fees are said to rise to approximately £20,000 per year (Europeans) and £30,000 per year (international). Prior to the referendum, Ryanair promoted a discount if the UK would remain in the EU but after 2018, flight prices will increase. The number of students who take part in the ERASMUS program (exchange students) will decrease and other Europeans will be obligated to apply for a working visa / permit. This is similar to the immigration / work policies of the USA and Australia.

Sadiq Khan, new London mayor, declared that Europeans are ‘still welcome’ in London and other parts of the nation. In fact, Londoners would like to exit the UK and remain its own state. This happened with the Vatican and therefore, it is plausible. The Guardian, however, interviewed people who voted ‘leave’ and they did not fit in the stereotypes. Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, who campaigned to ‘leave’, were in shock after the polling was announced early morning of Friday June 24th. However, the result angered many and there is a chance the UK can be divided. The EU nations, Germany, France and Italy primarily are allegedly unhappy with Britain’s decision and took it at a personal level. Angela Merkel is positioned to take charge and regulate what is to come next. Recently the EU nations want the UK to leave ‘as soon as possible’ in order to decrease the tension.

Even though I should be unbiased, these are my opinions:

I understand, to some extent, why primarily the old generation wanted to ‘leave’ the EU. They lived through wars and saw Europe slowly destabilizing. They want their nation back because Germany has taken control of other European nations; when the EU was founded, an idea by the USA.  The EU should have kept its first six nations: UK, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. People were wealthy, immigration was controllable and economies were booming. Afterwards, Germany welcomed other nations (including third world countries) and the consequences were drastic. European nations should not have given main authority to Germany even though it is considered the most powerful. However, the UK was intelligent enough to keep their currency in contrast with the rest of Europe that have the Euros. However, the old generation will, unfortunately, no longer be present in the years to come and the young generation can vote at their own accord. The division of generations has now become a catalyst and parliament needs to decide whether to acknowledge the petition that received 3million signatures or overcome it. A second referendum, technically, cannot take place since this referendum was foreseen as an ‘ultimatum’. Furthermore, there was plenty of time for people to reflect on this historic moment. David Cameron made a mistake by offering the EU Referendum to the British people and there have been cataclysmic events ever since the announcement. In fact, Cameron initially was pro leave but after endless meetings with other EU nations, he changed his mind.

I respect the vote and wish good luck to the UK.


In Or Out?

My personal view is the UK should stay in the EU IF the EU was reformed as it implies. Leaving means the UK will be utterly independent and cannot rely on other countries. The EU is an alliance but it is corrupt. In fact, I do not blame those who want to leave the EU but there are repercussions. If the UK leaves, it does not necessarily mean there will be new laws the next day. It will take at least 2 years to discuss and confirm new regulations. I read that France’s President, Francois Hollande warned the UK that if they leave, they will have to accept immigrants. In all fairness, a conclusion on the migration crisis is simple: each country accepts a certain number of migrants since Syria and Iraq are relatively small countries. However, this makes the UK population halt and re-evaluate. The UK government is divided, David Cameron prefers to stay, as well as Jeremy Corbyn (leader of the Labour Party). However, Boris Johnson initially wanted the UK to leave. Johnson reflected and now agrees with Cameron. In fact, it was considered the quickest ‘u turn’ in history. The Liberal Democrats agree to remain in the EU as well but the Conservative party do not seem to come to an agreement. Each MP has their own viewpoint but in the end, it is the public’s vote that will determine whether the UK is in or out.

Recently, David Cameron (the Prime Minister) was at the House of Commons giving his justifications to why the UK should remain in the EU. In the past, he always demanded to leave because the EU is not beneficial to the UK’s economy; I am convinced the EU commission convinced Cameron to remain the EU in exchange for something. Furthermore, the sterling value decreased and the NHS is suffering financially; budgets are being cut in companies, an approximate 40% decrease.  Therefore, it is not occasional to leave the EU. The vote will take place on June 23rd, which will be a crucial day; because this is will be the ONLY referendum. Regardless of the decision, the UK will not offer another referendum. This moment is critical, unlike the referendum in Scotland as there are talks for another one.

When David Cameron was justifying his reasons, BBC journalists were interviewing other MPs but not the general public. It is important to have a political perspective on the referendum but the public’s opinion is more essential; it will give a better insight to what the population wants. ”People should not be afraid of their governments, the government should be afraid of its people”. It must be an absolute priority to ask the public prior to the vote. If people vote ‘yes’ it will affect British people all over the globe, students in particular since there will be a turning point on Erasmus programmes (exchanging students from one university to another in any part of the world), visas and rights. Before the referendum, the UK government settled new laws such as newcomers cannot ask for benefits until they have lived in the UK for four years and tax legislation is compulsory. If ‘yes’ to leave the EU, all students will be considered ‘international’ and I highly doubt they will be willing to pay £9000 to £12000 per year (for 3 years) for university tuition fees. The number of foreign students will fall, which affects the level of diversity and ethnicity in the UK; London primarily. For this purpose, it will be a long process to infiltrate new regulations in the UK and people cannot expect these new regulations in 24 hours, after the vote.

The UK is substantial and London is considered the financial capital of Europe; of the world at this rate. However, as emphasized previously, it will complicate the right to work in the UK; similarly to the US. I suggest that people should very much consider the pro’s and con’s of the EU referendum and be confident in their decision.

Once you vote, there is no boat.



Please Explain

This post is aimed directly to you (whoever reads it) and please comment below.

How do young candidates manage to achieve jobs nowadays? I do not understand how it works. There must be a specific strategy rather than only  searching online for vacancies or filling job applications. The young generation have much to juggle with because the world has become competitive. There are too many candidates but few jobs, budgets are being cut and one candidate has more experience than the other. However, how do candidates who want to put their foot in the door achieve experience if it is never granted? It is difficult to find entry level jobs: age 22-25 with 2-3 years experience. I heard that some universities are now offering students a 1 year placement with a company of their choice; so instead of graduating in 3 years, they would finish in 4. My university friends and I feel we should have started to work as soon as we graduated (in 2012) rather than achieving other qualifications; also because I have been told, in interviews, that I am ‘over qualified’. Please explain what this means? An acquaintance, Media Relations President of BOA described it as if a candidate is efficiently qualified, he/she aims for a particular job role. A company will not risk hiring that candidate because he/she will be looking for a better job regardless of her/his current job. Our discussion lasted for a while because I could not comprehend this justification.

As mentioned in a previous post, we surround ourselves by the internet and without it, the world turns into shambles. I do not want to be dependent or reliable on anyone or anything but it’s life. However, people were more sociable in the past. For example, listening to classic music during an afternoon. They walked into the gardens, took their children out to play, attended instrument lessons etc. Life seemed more relaxing and laid back. People did not worry about signal, computers breaking or internet problems. They worked, loved and lived in peace; as much as they could. I probably watch too many historical films based on royal families or the upper class. The middle and lower class certainly did not have a luxurious or prestigious life but they still lived gracefully. In the past, concerns were mainly about lack of money, food and rights. I am a feminist and grateful women, in the majority of the world, can vote and have moral rights. However, men seem intimidated by women especially if the female earns more money. In fact, I watched an episode of ‘Rules of Engagement’ (old I am aware). Audrey (one of the female protagonists) had a pay raise and bought a flat screen tv. Her husband, Jeff, could not accept it because it is a ‘man’s job to take care of his wife’. This series takes place in New York which is a very active city.

Do candidates have to be in the right place at the right time? Is it about having contacts and exploiting them? Furthermore, I met two young people (girl and boy) who are both job searching (in different fields) but they seem to arrive at the last interview stage but once the company decides, it is the usual excuse: ”due to the high number of candidates and candidates who have more experience, I regret to inform you that we will not be taking your application further”. Firstly, why ask the candidate to attend 2 interviews (necessary to start a full time job) and then state their application will not be processed or accepted. This is beyond my comprehension. However, one has to put themselves in the employees’ shoes. My father hires and fires employees if necessary and he does explain the difficulty of choosing who to hire or not. I am not victimizing myself here (as I am currently working) but during my search, which lasted 2 months, I became vulnerable and frustrated with the world (as exaggerated as that is). There is a difference in being proactive and persistent than annoying. You need to be enthusiastic and optimistic, otherwise you will never achieve greatness. I understood that it takes patience (which I lack to an extent) but once the bus arrives, it is a relief and sense of pride.


Did you see Zayn Malik’s new music video that depicted and spoke about s**? My virgin eyes! Everyone is entitled to express themselves and music is the most therapeutic way of doing so but since he is allegedly an ‘idol’, especially to the young generation, he took the wrong turn. His music video also included rumoured girlfriend Gigi Hadid and can they just confirm their relationship? The secrecy is only going to make the media create their own stories about their life and, as a celebrity, I would want to correct them if they did not write a story about me based on facts. Men and women can be seen leaving a restaurant and not be a couple. It is laughable that the paparazzi can exploit certain situations and convince audiences that what they present is true.

Apologies, back to the music video Pillow Talk. According to celebrity gossip websites, Zayn’s album is about his relationship with Perrie Edwards and, as Gigi Hadid, I would consider this slightly uncomfortable. Similarly to Louis’ love triangle now that he is a father. I ‘high five’ the baby mommy as she was very clever. He was irresponsible (since there are many precautions nowadays) but she calculated the whole situation and had the opportune moment to receive money from one of the most famous singers worldwide. The girl now lives in a million dollar mansion to ‘stay away from paparazzi’ according to gossip sites and she asks $650,000 a year for childcare. Louis is a millionaire but spending money is very easy and quick. Also, he is only 23 years old and has life ahead of him and might have nothing left in a couple of years. Children are expensive and need to be supported all their lives; until they are financially independent as adults.

If MTV were to broadcast Pillow Talk, the channel would have to shorten or replace certain scenes because it is vulgar and provocative. For example, a woman opening her legs and a flower blossoming and using the word f*** constantly. Maybe you disagree because Lady Gaga in Bad Romance and other videos was inappropriate but she is an icon and created a character. Zayn left ‘One Direction’ and supposedly does not care about the success of his new single/album. He is a hypocrite because only now he says such things after making millions; again, similarly to Charlie of Busted who is currently reuniting the band after several years. Charlie quit the band initially and is probably bankrupt and needs expenses to be paid for.

There is a coincidence when Pillow Talk was released: One Direction’s new single called ‘History’. In fact, One Direction’s Facebook page said (paraphrasing) ”did you notice something in our video”. The answer is clear: Zayn. Did One Direction make this intentional or was it [truthfully] a mere coincidence? I probably analyze situations too much but it is a joke. Zayn and the One Directioners do not need to fight against each other because they are on the same level of fame but Hollywood situates people in constant competition. Hollywood is the puppeteer and everyone is under this umbrella, following the rules and arguing with journalists who ask questions that were not discussed prior to the interview.

Zayn is experiencing a turning point in his life but, in my opinion, he is not acting maturely. Why would I want to know about his s** life and most importantly, see it? People can just watch porn. Is he trying to prove a point that he is dating one of the most gorgeous models; now a Victoria Secret model. She was in Cody Simpson’s music video a couple of years ago so she receives publicity quite regularly. Her dating life is quite successful as every time she finished a relationship, she’d be in a new one in a matter of days; Cody Simpson to Joe Jonas to Zayn Malik, like mother like daughter. Yes, her mother is divorced for the second time but there is no doubt she will find another billionaire. I agree with Leonardo Di Caprio who dates for two or three years and breaks up rather than marrying and after a couple of months being a divorcee. In fact, it is outrageous that Kate Winslet (as much as she is the sweetest and most talented actress) has three sons from three different men (husbands).

The general public assumes celebrity life is exquisite because of all the exclusivity but, as mentioned in the above, their lives are dictated by others. Zayn’s album will be released in early Spring and will most likely succeed because he is attractive and has a beautiful, powerful voice. No one knows what the future holds but these boys should be VERY careful. They can live harmoniously and achieve everything but others can sway and overtake them with ease.

A New Thread

It’s 2016! Firstly, thank you for continuing to follow my Blog and reading my posts.

A new thread will be made this year and I am not ‘very’ religious but two quotes will stick with me throughout the new year: ‘Through Heaven’s Eyes’ and ‘Tu Vedi Piu’ Lontano Di Me’ (you see further than me). People need to have faith and hope but not necessarily in a religious way. I’ve learned recently that I must change my mentality; believing in myself and other people. I’ve always been independent and disliked asking favours to other people. You need to surround yourself with people you trust and can run to you whenever you need help BUT only you can choose them. It is easy to be ‘in the wrong crowd’ especially if you are going through your teenage years because teenagers tend to make stupid decisions but they are still immature and learning; even in the hard way. Also, making mistakes is human but learning from them is the ultimate achievement. If you continue making the same mistakes and creating problems, people will either abandon you, no longer support you or tell you the harsh truth: to get help. As a reader, you might see this post as cliche and ridiculous but I never paid attention to haters. They stare in front of a screen and waste their time on creating negative feedback to distract themselves from their own disasters.

My intention is to give advice and guidance and it might not be the best (since I am not a qualified therapist or psychiatrist) but trying is harmless. I do hope 2016 brings luck since I am currently unemployed. People need to be persistent and determined especially if they want to pursue their ideal career. You will start from the bottom (as usual) and gradually walk up the ladder. Do not always please people because that is not your job; the job is to be happy and make the right choices for yourself. Your personality will become more rigid and firm once you’ve achieved a high profile but do not forget who you once were. People would have helped you along the way; similarly to celebrities who are in the high charts. You have good intentions, as a human being and to have faith in others. Currently, I am trying to do so but people are selfish nowadays and focus primarily on themselves; which is understandable to an extent.This brings to me to another aspect in life: friendships.

People need to understand that as time passes, age does as well. No matter how long you’ve known someone (a friend), paths will collide because someone will move country, get married, have children etc. Priorities change and communication decreases. This is inevitable as much as you would like to change it. Some people are in denial and afraid to remain on their own but socializing to make new/other friends is always an advantage. In your mid 20s, you have a different mentality; taking life seriously and behaving maturely. During university years, you are stuck in a bubble for 3 or 4 years and your friendship groups become your family but once university finishes and you start pursuing a career path, change occurs. I have accepted this and now I am living in a realistic world where friendships will break and, maybe, disappear; not intentionally but naturally. I have always been sociable and I enjoy meeting new people; not to substitute old friends but to make sure there are people in my life. You can never have enough friends unless you seclude yourself from society and choose to have a small group people in your life. Some do not like to express themselves or expose certain information whilst others have no problem in doing so; finding a midway is a challenge. You should do whatever makes you feel at ease or most comfortable because it is your life and you only have ONE.

I explicitly remind myself that I have only ONE life; unless you believe in reincarnation. Live life to the fullest is so simple yet true. You cannot waste your time on stupidity and recklessness but most importantly, you cannot live with regrets. In the moment you might regret a situation, behaviour or episode but as time passes, it was not as bad as you once thought. You are not making excuses for not having regrets but just admitting that it happened. Furthermore, you do not have to justify anything to anyone but if you have regrets inside, you will not live a healthy life. ‘Regret’ is a strong word and has negative connotations but, as mentioned in the above, mistakes are inevitable. You should switch what you think is a regret to a mistake which are two different descriptions. In the past, I thought I had regrets but in the end, I knew they were mistakes. In order to have your heart and mind at rest, you need to accept what you have done and remember that you cannot rewrite the past but you can decide your future. You can surpass those ‘regrets’ easily and anything in life can offer an escape. The memory of regretting ‘it’ will be compressed by new memories which will give you fulfillment and empowerment. In the end, if we only stick to painful episodes, our soul will become poisonous and never be at peace. This is not about ‘good vs. evil’ because we will always have that emotional conflict and momentum; hitting a downward spiral. What is essential is to bring yourself back up and detach yourself from your past.